Meeting the stars of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood. Not the best pic - lighting is very dim towards the stage of the Astor, and I got distracted by someone to the side asking me something just as the photo was being snapped. Still, was a big thrill to meet the two main cast members of perhaps the most iconic and highly-regarded science-fiction film of all time.
The Q&A and introduction prior to the 70mm screening was an entertaining session, a bit sad seeing Gary struggle to get down the steps of the stage with his bum legs (though heartwarming to see Keir hold his hand to steady him), but he seemed in great spirits and had the audience in stitches with his impression of the San Francisco potheads who used to come up and ask about him about the film in the first couple of years after the film's release (he also recounted a funny anecdote about attending a screening where at the film's climax a young man in a no doubt altered state of mind leaped up from his seat at the back of the cinema and charged down the aisle screaming "Oh God, take me home!" and literally ran straight through the screen!!).